
Updated my Magnus Wahlberg, December 2022
NOTE: Publications marked with * are authored by Fjord&Bælt staff or involving Fjord&Bælt’s guests, or Fjord&Bælt animals other than the porpoises; all other publications involve Fjord&Bælt harbour porpoises.
Henriksen, L. B., C. B. Thøstesen, A. K. O. Alstrup, H. L. Larsen, M. Wahlberg, U. Siebert, S. Pagh (in press). A new simple method for age determination of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena). Aquatic Mammals, in press.
*Alstrup, A. K. O., C. B. Thøstesen, K. A. Hansen, C. Sonne, C. C. Kinze, L. Mikkelsen, A. Thomsen, P. Povlsen, H. Lyngholm Larsen, A. Cathrine Linder, S. Pagh (2023). The self stranding behavior of a killer whale (Orcinus orca) in Inner Danish Waters and considerations concerning human interference in live strandings. Animals 13: 1948.
Baier-Stegmaier, S., C. Gundlach, M. Chriél, M. S. Hansen, C. Vedel-Smith, C. Vikkelsø Hansen, D. Klingberg Johansson, L. Henriksen, M. Wahlberg, C. Bie Thøstesen, A. Olsen Alstrup, C. Pertoldi, K. Murphy Gregersen, S. Pagh (2023). Computer tomography as a method for age determination of Carnivora and Odontocetes, with validation from individuals with known age. Animals 13: 1783.
Bakkeren, C., M. Ladegaard, K. Anderson Hansen, M. Wahlberg, P. T. Madsen, L. Rojano-Donate (2023). Visual deprivation induces stronger dive response in a harbour porpoise. iScience 26(3): 106204.
Beedholm, K., M. Ladegaard, P. T. Madsen, P. L. Tyack (2023). Latencies of click-evoked auditory responses in a harbor porpoise exceed the time interval between subsequent echolocation clicks. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 153(2): 952-960.
Moss, C. M., S. Ortiz, M. Wahlberg (2023). Adaptive echolocation behavior of bats and toothed whales in dynamic soundscapes. Journal of Experimental Biology 226: jeb245450.
Stepien, E., J. Nabe-Nielsen, M. Olsen, K. Anderson Hansen, U. Siebert, M.-A. Blanchet, S. Brando, J. Højer Kristensen, P. Bunskoek, L. Marcenaro, M. Wahlberg (2023). Determination of growth, mass and body mass index of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena): implications for conservational status assessment of populations. Science and the Global Environment 42: e02384.
Tougaard, J., K. Beedholm, P. T. Madsen (2023). Temporary threshold shift in porpoise hearing: effect on experimental protocol. In: AN Popper et al. (Eds.): Effects of noise on aquatic life. Springer-Verlag, NY. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-10417-6_166-1
Veldhuis Kroeze, E. J. B., C. E. van Elk, M. W. G. van de Bildt, P. R. W. A. van Run, G. Foster, N. Abou-Chakra, R. K. Hare, T. Kuiken (2023). Infection with Pythium flevoense in a harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) as a novel cause of dermatitis in marine mammals. Veterinary Research 54: 102.
Webber, M. A., W. Keener, M. Wahlberg, C. R. Elliser, K. MacIver, S. T. Ortiz, F. Jakobsen, H. Hamel, A. Rieger, U. Siebert, H. Dunn, D. Anderson, A. M. Hall, C. Birdsall, K. Pielmeier, R.-M. Paiu, D. D. Boege Tobin, D. N. Orbach (2023). Sexual behavior and anatomy in harbor porpoises. In: B Würsig & D. Orbach (Eds.): Sex in cetaceans: morphology, behavior, and the evolution of sexual strategies. Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 415-441.
*Campagna, S., K. Anderson Hansen, M. Wahlberg, A. Célérier (2022). Aversive response of grey (Halichoerus grypus) and harbour (Phoca vitulina) seals exposed to camphor: A new approach to keep seals away from sensitive areas? Aquatic Mammals 48(6): 634-638.
Irschick, D. J., F. Cristiansen, N. Hammerschlag, M. Johnson, P. T. Madsen, J. Wyneken, A. Brooks, A. Gleiss, S. Fossette, C. Siler, T. Gamble, F. Fish, U. Siebert, J. Patel, Z. Xu, E. Kalogerakis, J. Medina, A. Mukherji, M. Mandica, S. Zotos, J. Detwiler, B. Perot, G. Lauder (2022). 3D visualization processes for recreating and studying organismal form. iScience 25: 104867.
Tougaard, J., K. Beedholm, P. T. Madsen (2022). Thresholds for noise induced hearing loss in harbor porpoises and phocid seals. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 151(6): 4252-4263.
Elmegaard, S. L., B. I. McDonald, J. Teilmann, P. T. Madsen (2021). Heart rate and startle responses in diving, captive harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) exposed to transient noise and sonar. Journal of Experimental Biology 10: bio058679.
Reckendorf, A., M. Schmicke, P. Bunskoek, K. A. Hansen, M. Thybo, C. Strube, U. Siebert (2021). Is harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) exhaled breath sampling suitable for hormonal assessments? Animals 11: 907.
Vance, H., P. T. Madsen, N. A. de Soto, D. M. Wisniewska, M. Ladegaard, S. Hooker, M. Johnson (2021). Echolocating toothed whales use ultrafast echo-kinetic responses to track evasive prey. E-Life 10: e68825.
MacAuley, J. D. J., C. E. Malinka, G. Gillespie, P. T. Madsen (2020). High resolution three-dimensional beam radiation pattern of harbour porpoise clicks with implications for passive acoustic monitoring. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 147(6): 4175-4188.
Osiecka, A., O. Jones, M. Wahlberg (2020). Diurnal variation in clicking harbour porpoises. Scientific Reports 10: 14876.
Elmegaard, S. L., B. I. McDonald, P. T. Madsen (2019). Drivers of the dive response in trained harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena). Journal of Experimental Biology 222(19): jeb208637.
*Goulet, P., C. Guinet, R. Swift, P. T. Madsen, M. Johnson. (2019). A miniature biomimetic sonar and movement tag to study the biotic environment and predator-prey interactions in aquatic animals. Deep-Sea Research Part 1: 10.1016.
Ladegaard, M., P. T. Madsen (2019). Context-dependent biosonar adjustments during active target approaches in echolocating harbour porpoises. Journal of Experimental Biology 222: jeb.206169.
Schaffeld, T., A. Ruser, B. Woelfing, J. Baltzer, J. H. Kristensen, J. Larsson, J. G. Schnitzler, U. Siebert (2019). The use of seal scarers as a protective mitigation measure can induce hearing impairment in harbour porpoises. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 146(6): 4288-4298.
*Kaczmarek, J., C. Reichmuth, B. I. McDonald, J. H, Kristensen, J. Larson, F. Johansson, J. Sullivan, P. T. Madsen (2018). Drivers of the dive response in pinnipeds; apnea, submergence or temperature? Journal of Experimental Biology 221: jeb176545.
McDonald, B. I., M. Johnson, P. T. Madsen (2018). Dive heart rate in harbour porpoises is influenced by exercise and expectations. Journal of Experimental Biology 221(1): jeb168740.
Rojano-Doñate, L., B. I. McDonald, D. M. Wisniewska, M. Johnson, J. Teilmann, M. Wahlberg, J. H. Kristensen, P. T. Madsen (2018). High field metabolic rates of wild harbour porpoises. Journal of Experimental Biology 221: jeb185827.
Schrøder, A. E. M., K. Beedholm, P. T. Madsen (2017). Time-varying auditory gain control in response to double-pulse stimuli in harbour porpoises is not mediated by a stapedial reflex. Biology open 6(4): 525-529.
Wahlberg, M., L. Delgado-García, J. H. Kristensen (2017). Precocious hearing in harbour porpoise neonates. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 203(2): 121-132.
*Brando, S., A. Bowles, M. Böye, K. Dudzinski, N. van Elk, J. McBain, R. Singer, M. Wahlberg (2016). Proceedings of Marine Mammal Welfare Seminars hosted in the Netherlands and the USA in 2012. Aquatic Mammals 43(3): 392-416.
Elmegaard, S. L., M. Johnson, P. T. Madsen, B. I. McDonald (2016). Cognitive control of heart rate in diving harbor porpoises. Current Biology 26(22): R1175-R1176.
*Johansen, S., O. N. Larsen, J. C. Dalsgaard, L. Seidelin, M. Boström, S.-G. Lunneryd, M. Wahlberg (2016). In-air and underwater hearing in the great cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo). In: AN Popper, RR Fay (Eds.), The effects of noise on aquatic life II. Springer-Verlag, New York, pp. 505-512.
*Smeele, S., K. Andersen Hansen, S. Ortiz, J. Højer-Kristensen, F. Johansson, J. Larsson, U. Siebert, M. Wahlberg (2019). Short-term memory in pinnipeds. Animal Cognition 22: 947-958.
*Tougaard, J., A. J. Wright, P. T. Madsen (2016). Noise exposure criteria for harbor porpoises. In AN Popper, RR Fay (Eds.), The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life II, Springer Verlag, pp. 1167-1173.
Wisniewska, D. M., J. Teilmann, L. Hermannsen, M. Johnson, L. A. Miller, U. Siebert, P. T. Madsen (2016). Quantitative measures of anthropogenic noise on harbor porpoises: Testing the reliability of acoustic tag recordings. In: AN Popper, RR Fay (Eds.), The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life II. Springer Verlag, New York, pp. 1237-1242.
Dyndo, M., D. M. Wiśniewska, L. Rojano-Doñate, P. T. Madsen (2015). Harbour porpoises react to low levels of high frequency vessel noise. Scientific reports 5, 11083.
Herder, V., N. van de Velde, J. H. Kristensen, C. van Elk, M. Peters, J. Kilwinski, C. Schares, U. Siebert, P. Wohlsein (2015). Fatal disseminated Toxoplasma gondii infection in a captive harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena). Journal of Comparative Pathology 153(4): 357-362.
Wisniewska, D. M., J. M. Ratcliffe, K. Beedholm, C. B. Christensen, M. Johnson, J. C. Koblitz, M. Wahlberg, P. T. Madsen (2015). Range-dependent flexibility in the acoustic field of view of echolocating porpoises (Phocoena phocoena). Elife 4: e05651.
Blanchet, M-A; M. Aquarone and U. Siebert (2014). Arktische Robben und Eisbären - Auswirkungen von Klimaerwärmung und Ressourcennutzung. In: J-L Lozan, H Graßl, D Piepenburg, D Notz (Eds.), Warnsignale Klima, Die Polarregionen. Wissenschaftliche Auswertungen Hamburg, pp. 183-191.
Borowska, E. I., Z. Nowak, C. van Elk, M. Wahlberg (2014). Determining genotypes from blowhole exhalation samples of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena). Aquatic mammals 40(4): 407-411.
*Hjalager, A.-M., M. Wahlberg (2014). Museum guests as contributors to regional food innovation. Museum Management and Curatorship 29(1): 50-65.
Tougaard, J., A. J. Wright, P. T. Madsen (2014). Cetacean noise criteria revisited in the light of proposed exposure limits for habour porpoises. Marin Pollution Bulletin 90(1-2): 196-208.
*Ydesen, K. S., D. M. Wisniewska, J. D. Hansen, K. Beedholm, M. Johnson, P. T. Madsen (2014). What a jerk: prey engulfment revealed by high-rate, super-cranial accelerometry on a harbour seal (Phoca vitulina). Journal of Experimental Biology 217(13): 2239-2243.
*Wahlberg, M., A. Surlykke (2014). Source Levels of bats and toothed whales. In: A Surlykke, PE Nachtigall, AN Popper, RR Fay (Eds.). Biosonar. Springer Handbook of Auditory Research 51, Springer-Verlag, pp. 107-142.
*Boström, M., C. Krog, L. K. Larsen, S.-G. Lunneryd, M. Wahlberg (2013). The acoustic activity of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) around gill nets. Aquatic Mammals 39(4): 389-396.
*Jensen, F., M. Wahlberg, K. Beedholm, M. Johnson, N. Aguilar Soto, P. L. Tyack, P. T. Madsen (2015). Single click beam patterns reveal adaptable changes to the field of view of echolocating Atlantic Spotted Dolphins (Stenella frontalis) in the wild. Journal of Experimental Biology 218: 1314-1324.
Linnenschmidt, M., M. Wahlberg, J. D. Hansen (2013). The modulation rate transfer function of a harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena). Journal of Comparative Physiology A 199(2): 115-126.
Miller, L. A., M. Wahlberg (2013). Echolocation of the harbour porpoise: Life in coastal waters. Frontiers in Neuroscience 4: 52.
Müller, S., K. Lehnert, H. Seibel, J. Driver, K. Ronnenberg, J. Teilmann, C. van Elk, J. Kristensen, E. Everaats, U. Siebert (2013). Evaluation of immune and stress status in harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena): can hormones and mRNA expression levels serve as indicators to assess stress? BMC veterinary research 9(1): 145.
*Oliveira, C., M. Wahlberg, M. Johnson, P. Miller, P. T. Madsen (2013). The function of male sperm whale slow clicks off Northern Norway: Echolocation, feeding or navigation. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 133(5): 3135-3144.
Foote, A., P. F. Thomsen, S. Svegaard, M. Wahlberg, J. Kielgast, A. B. Salling, A. Galatius, L. Orlando, M. T. P. Gilbert (2012). Investigating the potential use of environmental DNA (eDNA) for genetic monitoring of marine mammals. PLOS One 7(8): e41781.
*Jensen, F. H., K. Beedholm, M. Wahlberg, L. Bejder, P. T. Madsen (2012). Estimated communication range and energetic cost of bottlenose dolphin whistles in a tropical habitat. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 131(1): 582-592.
*Jørgensen, R. A., C. Brandt, M. Wahlberg, J. Christensen-Dalsgaard (2012). Importance of hearing for survival of Danio reiro (Zebrafish) in an experimental predator/prey environment. In: AN Popper & AD Hawkins (Eds.), The effects of noise on aquatic life. Springer-Verlag, pp. 117-120.
Koblitz, J. C., M. Wahlberg, P. Stilz, P. T. Madsen, K. Beedholm, K., H.-U.Schnitzler (2012). Asymmetry and dynamics of a narrow sonar beam in an echolocating harbor porpoise. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 131(3): 2315-2324.
Linnenschmidt, M., K. Beedholm, M. Wahlberg, J. Kristensen, P. Nachtigall (2012). Keeping returns optimal: gain control elicited by dynamic hearing thresholds in a harbour porpoise. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 279(1736): 2237-2245.
Linnenschmidt, M., L. N. Kloepper, M. Wahlberg, P. E. Nachtigall (2012). Stereotypical rapid source level regulation in the harbour porpoise biosonar. Naturwissenschaften 99(9): 767-771.
*Nielsen, T. P., M. Wahlberg, S. Heikillä, M. Jensen, P. Sabinsky, T. Dabelsteen (2012). Swimming patterns of wild harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) show detection and avoidance of gill nets at very long ranges. Marine Ecology Progress Series 453: 241-248.
Søgaard, L. B., M. N. Hansen, C. van Elk, J. Brahm, F. B. Jensen (2012). Respiratory properties of blood in the harbor porpoise, Phocoena phocoena. Journal of Experimental Biology 215: 1938-1943.
Wisniewska, D. M., M. Johnson, K. Beedholm, M. Wahlberg, P. T. Madsen (2012). Acoustic gaze adjustments during active target selection in echolocating porpoises. Journal of Experimental Biology 215(24): 4358-4373.
*Bonderup Dohn, N. (2011). Situational interest of high school students who visit an aquarium. Science Education 95(2), 337-357.
*Eskesen, I. G., M. Wahlberg, M. Simon, O. N. Larsen (2011). Echolocation clicks from sympatric killer whales and long finned pilot whales. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 130(1): 9-12.
Lucke, K., P. A. Lepper, M.-A. Blanchet, U. Siebert (2011). The use of an air bubble curtain to reduce the received sound levels for harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena). The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 130(5): 3406-3412.
Siebert, U., B. Pozniak, K. A. Hansen, G. Nordstrom, J. Teilmann, N. van Elk, A. Vossen, R. Dietz (2011). Investigations of thyroid and stress hormones in free-ranging and captive harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena): A pilot study. Aquatic mammals 37(4): 443-453.
*Wahlberg, M., K. Beedholm, A. Heerfordt, B. Møhl (2011). Characteristics of biosonar signals from the northern bottlenose whale, Hyperoodon ampullatus. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 130(5): 3077-3084.
*Wahlberg, M., F. H. Jensen, N. A. Soto, K. Beedholm, L. Bejder, C. Oliveira, M. Rasmussen M. Simon, A. Villadsgaard, P. T. Madsen (2011). Source parameters of echolocation clicks from wild bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus and T. aduncus). Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 130(4): 2263-2274.
*Wilson, M., H. B. Schack, P. T. Madsen, A. Surlykke, M. Wahlberg (2011). Directional escape behavior in allis shad (Alosa alosa) exposed to ultrasonic clicks mimicking an approaching toothed whale. Journal of Experimental Biology 214: 22-29.
Christensen Dalsgaard, J., C. Brandt, M. Wilson, M. Wahlberg, P. T. Madsen (2010). Hearing in lungfish. In: JM Jørgensen, J Joss (Eds.), The Biology of Lungfishes. CRC Press LLC, pp. 501-510.
Clausen, K. T., M. Wahlberg, K. Beedholm, S. Deruiter, P. T. Madsen (2010). Click communication in harbour porpoises Phocoena phocoena. Bioacoustics, 20(1): 1-28.
Madsen, P. T., D. Wisniewska, K. Beedholm (2010). Single source sound production and dynamic beam formation in echolocating harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena). Journal of Experimental Biology 213(18), 3105-3110.
Miller, L. A. (2010). Prey capture by harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena): a comparison between echolocators in the field and in captivity. Journal of the Marine Acoustical Society of Japan 37(3): 156-168.
Atem, A. C. G., M. H. Rasmussen, M. Wahlberg, H. C. Petersen, L. A. Miller (2009). Changes in click source levels with distance to targets: studies of free-ranging white-beaked dolphins Lagenorhynchus albirostris and captive harbour porpoises Phocoena phocoena. Bioacoustics 19(1-2): 49-65.
Blanchet, M.-A., M. Wahlberg, T. Ishigami (2009). First observation of the parturition and peripartum events in a harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena). Aquatic Mammals 35(4): 473-480.
DeRuiter, S. L., A. Bahr, M.-A. Blanchet, S. F. Hansen, J. H. Kristensen, P. T. Madsen, P. L. Tyack, M. Wahlberg (2009). Acoustic behaviour of echolocating porpoises during prey capture. Journal of Experimental Biology 212(19): 3100-3107.
*Jensen, F. H., L. Bejder, M. Wahlberg, P. T. Madsen (2009). Biosonar adjustments to target range of echolocating bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops sp.) in the wild. Journal of Experimental Biology 212: 1078-1086.
*Jensen, F. H., L. Bejder, M. Wahlberg, N. Aguilar Soto, M. Johnson, P. T. Madsen (2009). Vessel noise effects on delphinid communication. Marine Ecology Progress Series 395: 161-175.
Lucke, K., U. Siebert, P. A. Lepper, M.-A. Blanchet (2009). Temporary shift in masked hearing thresholds in a harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) after exposure to seismic airgun stimuli. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 125(6): 4060-4070.
*Shapiro, A. D., J. Tougaard, P. B. Jørgensen, L. A. Kyhn, J. D. Balle, C. Bernardez., A. Fjälling, J. Karlsen, M. Wahlberg (2009). Transmission loss patterns from acoustic harassment and deterrent devices do not always follow geometrical spreading predictions. Marine Mammal Science 25(1): 53-67.
*Kyhn, L. A., J. Tougaard, F. Jensen, M. Wahlberg, G. Stone, A. Yoshinaga, A., . . . P. T. Madsen (2009). Feeding at a high pitch: Source parameters of narrow band, high-frequency clicks from echolocating off-shore hourglass dolphins and coastal Hector’s dolphins. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 125(3): 1783-1791.
Verfuß, U. K., L. A. Miller, P. K. Pilz, H. U. Schnitzler (2009). Echolocation by two foraging harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena). Journal of Experimental Biology 212(6): 823-834.
Beedholm, K. (2008). Harbor porpoise clicks do not have conditionally minimum time bandwidth product. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 124(2): EL15-EL20.
Blanchet, M., T. Nance, C. Ast, M. Wahlberg, M. Acquarone (2008). First case of a monitored pregnancy of a harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) under human care. Aquatic mammals 34(1): 9-20.
Hansen, M., M. Wahlberg, M., P. T. Madsen (2008). Low-frequency components in harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) clicks: communication signal, by-products, or artifacts? The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 124(6): 4059-4068.
*Jensen, F. H., M. Wahlberg, L. Bejder, P. T. Madsen (2008). Noise levels and masking potential of small whale-wathing and research vessels around two delphinid species. Bioacoustics 17(1-3): 166-168.
Koblitz, J. C., M. Wahlberg, P. T. Madsen, P. Stilz, H. U. Schnitzler (2008). Two‐dimensional sonar beam characteristics of single harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) echolocation clicks measured with a 16 hydrophone array. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 123(5): 3773-3773.
*Kyhn, L. A., J. Tougaard, J. Teilmann, M. Wahlberg, P. B. Jørgensen, N. I. Bech (2008). Harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) static acoustic monitoring: laboratory detection thresholds of T-PODs are reflected in field sensitivity. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 88(6): 1085-1091.
*Langård, L., J. T. Øvredal, A. Johannessen, L. Nøttestad, G. Skaret, A. Fernö, M. Wahlberg (2008). Sound production in pre-spawning herring, cod and haddock in a naturally enclosed ecosystem. Bioacoustics 17(1-3): 38-40.
Lucke, K., P. Lepper, M.-A. Blanchet, U. Siebert (2008). How tolerant are harbour porpoises to underwater sound? In: K Wollny-Goerkne, K Eskildsen (Eds.), Marine mammals and seabirds in front of offshore wind energy. Teubner, Wiesbaden, pp. 59-76.
Lucke, P. A. Lepper, M.-A. Blanchet, U. Siebert (2008). Testing the acoustic tolerance of harbour porpoise hearing for impulsive sounds. Bioacoustics 17(1-3): 329-331.
*Tougaard, J., P. T. Madsen, M. Wahlberg (2008). Underwater noise from construction and operation of offshore wind farms. Bioacoustics 17(1-3): 143-146.
Verfuß, U. K., C. G. Honnef, A. Meding, M. Dähne, S. Adler, A. Kilian, H. Benke (2008). The history of the German Baltic Sea harbour porpoise acoustic monitoring at the German Oceanographic Museum. In: K Wollny-Goerkne, K Eskildsen (Eds.), Marine mammals and seabirds in front of offshore wind energy. Teubner, Wiesbaden, pp. 41-56.
*Wahlberg, M. (2008). Contribution of biological sound sourcest o underater ambient noise levels. Bioacoustics 17(1-3): 30-32.
*Wahlberg, M., H. B. Schack, M. Wilson, L. Bejder, P. T. Madsen (2008) Particle acceleration noise generated by boats. Bioacoustics 17(1-3): 148-150.
Wilson, M., M.-L. Acolas, M.-L. Begout, P. T. Madsen, M. Wahlberg (2008). Ultrasound detection and intensity graded response in Allis shad (Alosa alosa). Journal of the Acoustical Society of America-Express Letters 124(4): 243-247.
Beedholm, K., L. A. Miller (2007). Automatic gain control in harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena)? Central versus peripheral mechanisms. Aquatic mammals 33(1): 69-75.
Desportes, G., L. Buholzer, K. Anderson-Hansen, M.-A. Blanchet, M. Acquarone, G. Shephard, S. Brando, A. Vossen, U. Siebert (2007). Decrease stress; train your animals:
the effect of handling methods on cortisol levels in harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) under human care. Aquatic mammals 33(3): 286-292.
Fonfara, S., U. Siebert, A. Prange, F. Colijn (2007). The impact of stress on cytokine and haptoglobin mRNA expression in blood samples from harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena). Journal of the Marine Biological Association U. K. 87: 305-311.
*Heerfordt, A., B. Møhl, M. Wahlberg (2007). A wideband link to sperm whales: a fiber-optically linked deep-sea linear hydrophone array. Deep-Sea Research 54: 428-436.
Lockyer, C. (2007). All creatures great and smaller: a study in cetacean life history energetics. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 87(4): 1035-1045.
*Madsen, P. T., M. Wahlberg (2007). Recording and quantification of ultrasonic echolocation clicks from free-ranging toothed whales. Deep-Sea Research 54(8): 1421-1444
*Simon, M., M. Wahlberg, L. A. Miller (2007). Echolocation clicks from killer whales (Orcinus orca) feeding on herring (Clupea harengus) in Norwegian waters. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 121(2): 749-752.
Teilmann, J., F. Larsen, G. Desportes (2007). Time allocation and diving behaviour of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) in Danish and adjacent waters. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management 9, 201-210.
Teloni, V., W. M. X. Zimmer, M. Wahlberg, P. T. Madsen (2007). Consistent acoustic size estimation of sperm whales using clicks recorded from unknown aspects. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management 9(2): 127-136.
Beedholm, K., L. A. Miller, M.-A. Blanchet (2006). Auditory brainstem response in a harbor porpoise show lack of automatic gain control for simulated echoes. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 119(3): EL41-EL46.
*Blanchet, M.-A., G. Desportes, T. Nance, C. Vanman (2006). Description of the pregnancies, labours, and pre-and post-partum events of two harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) in a zoological environment. Aquatic mammals 32(2): 145-151.
*Simon, M., F. Ugarte, M. Wahlberg, L. A. Miller (2006). Icelandic killer whales Orcinus orca use a pulsed call suitable for manipulating the schooling behaviour of herring Clupea harengus. Bioacoustics 16: 57-74.
Teilmann, J., J. Tougaard, L. A. Miller, T. Kirketerp, K. Hansen, S. Brando (2006). Reactions of captive harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) to pinger‐like sounds. Marine Mammal Science 22(2): 240-260.
*Villadsgaard, A., M. Wahlberg, J. Tougaard (2007). Echolocation clicks of wild harbour porpoises, Phocoena phocoena. Journal of Experimental Biology 210: 56-64.
Madsen, P. T., D. A. Carder, K. Beedholm, S. H. Ridgway (2005). Porpoise clicks from a sperm whale nose – convergent evolution of 130 kHz pulses in toothed whale sonars? Bioacoustics 15: 195-206.
Verfuß, U. K., L. A. Miller, H.-U. Schnitzler (2005). Spatial orientation in echolocating harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena). Journal of Experimental Biology 208(17): 3385-3394.
Lockyer, C., G. Desportes, K. Hansen, S. Labberté, U. Siebert (2003). Monitoring growth and energy utilisation of the harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) in human care. NAMMCO Scientific Publications 5: 107120.
Desportes, G., J. H. Kristensen, D. Benham, S. Wilson, T. Jepsen, T., B. Korsgaard, U. Siebert, J. Driver, M. Amundin, K. Hansen, G. Shephard (2003). Multiple insights into the reproductive function of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena): An ongoing study. NAMMCO Scientific Publications 5: 91-105.
Siebert, U., G. Müller, W. Baumgärtner, R. Weiss, G. Desportes, K. Hansen (2002). Pyogranulomatous myocarditis due to Staphylococcus aureus septicaemia in two harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena). Veterinary record 150(9): 273-277.
Scientific Journal and Book Editing
Brennecke, D., U. Siebert, K. Knickmeier, I. Pawliszca, M. Wahlberg (Eds.) (2023). Marine mammals. Springer-Verlag, NY, in press.
Haug, T., D. Desportes, G. A. Víkingson, L. Witting (2003). Harbour porpoises in the North Atlantic. NAMMCO Scientifc Publications Vol. 5.
Popper, A. N., A. D. Hawkins, M. Wahlberg (Eds.) (2008). Special edition on effects of noise on underwater wildlife. Bioacoustics, Vol. 17.
Populærvidenskabelige artikler (udvalgte)
Blanchet, M.-A., M. Wahlberg, J. Kristensen, S. Hansen, A.-L. Jensen, N. van Elk (2008). First birth of a harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) under human care. Soundings 33(2): 6-9.
*Hansen, S., M.-A. Blanchet, M. Wahlberg, J. H. Kristensen (2009). Andy – menace turned ally. Soundings 34(1): 8-9.
*Tougaad, J. (2008). Lyd i oceanerne. In: Galathea 3. Dansk Ekspeditionsfond, pp. 147-151 (in Danish).
Wahlberg, M., M.