What is Fjord&Bælt
Fjord&Bælt is a combined tourist attraction and research institution with our magical sea in focus.
The vision is that we experience, appreciate and preserve the nature around us.
Our mission is to inspire nature conservation around us through experience, fascination and understanding.

A vibrant and unique research and dissemination center
Fjord & Bælt´'s purpose is, through research, exhibitions, school services and activities, to convey life in the inland Danish waters and improve the conditions of marine mammals in Denmark and elsewhere in the world.
The main attraction is our harbour porpoise, where Fjord & Bælt is one of the very few places in the world where you can see these whales up close. The harbour porpoise are monitored by researchers from all over the world, who i.a. carry out projects on animal behavior. The research is a natural part of the centre's dissemination offer.
In 2006, Fjord & Bælt entered into a collaboration with the University of Southern Denmark on the formation of the Danish Research Center for Marine Mammals. The purpose of the research center is to become an example of how it is possible to develop a modern and independent research institution, with a high level of quality and ambition.

In addition to the harbour porpoise, Fjord & Bælt has harbor seals, fish and many other animals that are part of the dissemination of animals and their living conditions in Danish waters. The focus of the communication is the close nature, the environment, nature conservation and history.
All guests' senses must, through activities, gain an understanding of and desire to take better care of nature at the same time as they bring something home in the experience and knowledge baggage. Fjord&Bælt wants to act as "nature openers" that provide access to the environment and animals that are not commonly known.
Since Fjord&Bælt opened in March 1997, the center has continuously renewed itself in relation to exhibitions, so we are still a leader in communicating the sea and its environment. Most recently to the opening of the 2013 season, when the center had undergone a radical renewal.
Fjord&Bælt is one of the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration's approved zoological facilities with zoo no .: DK-7-0001008.
His Royal Highness Prince Joachim is the patron.