Kom i erhvervspraktik på Fjord&Bælt

Internship at Fjord&Bælt
Student and Internship Placements from Technical Schools
If you are enrolled in a technical school program for animal keepers, you have the opportunity to complete a one-week internship at Fjord&Bælt.
The technical schools manage the available placements and decide who will be selected. Therefore, it is not possible to arrange an internship directly with us.
When we are hiring animal keeper apprentices, the positions will be posted here on our website under job listings.
Fjord&Bælt offers an exciting and educational marine mammal internship lasting a minimum of 6 months and up to 1 year. Our internship is unpaid. Applications should be sent to Christina@fjord-baelt.dk. You can find more information via this link.
Each year, Fjord&Bælt offers 8 internship placements for school and high school students from grade 9 and up.
Interns participate in educational activities, aquarium maintenance, general facility work, and various tasks related to animal care. Working hours and specific tasks are arranged individually.
Internships last for one week and are available from March to June and mid-August to October. Due to high demand, we have implemented two annual application deadlines:
February 1st for the spring period
July 1st for the autumn period
Applications should be sent to ditte@fjord-baelt.dk, where you can also request more information.